Once in a while when you are at a flea market you find some items that are really unique. These may not be authentic pieces but just some imaginative works of art that someone has taken a lot of time to create. I happen to be a collector of Hess toy trucks for many years and through those years I have come across many items that people have taken the time to redo and make that item into a collectible that they would like to have in their display case. I love the hunt for that elusive and odd piece that can be found under the tables at one of the many flea markets that I attend each year. I always like to go in the back area of the flea markets where the people have brought stuff from their garage or attic and just see it sprawled all over the table for people to rummage through looking for treasures. I could go on and on with the stories of the things that I have come across and the people that I have met along the way. It is the interesting stories that intrigue me the most of where and how they came across the many items that they display. I wanted to share some of the pieces that I have found in my many travels. I hope that you enjoy the pictures below of them.
1998 Hess Mini Chrome Tanker - Fantasy Piece in Box
1998 Hess Mini Chrome Tanker - Fantasy Piece out of the Box.
1998 Hess Mini Chrome Tanker - Fantasy Piece out of the Box.
1970 Hess Fire Truck Copy - Same mold as original.
1970 Hess Fire Truck Copy / Bump N Go - Sold at 5 & Dime Stores
1970 Hess Fire Truck Copy - Sold McCory Drug Stores
Lego Hess Oil Tanker & Gas Pump - Fantasy Piece
now we know where to find new parts for the 1970 hess truck.